Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mr. Mayor Cut Down This Curb! (Week 4)

This week I think I'll continue on the subject of Athens, Ohio. While last week I talked about the architectural beauty of this largely Georgian style community and university, this week I wanted to point out what I perceive as the largest negative aspect surrounding this community. It is an issue that undoubtedly surrounds many college towns and it is that of town and gown relations, or in many cases, lack thereof.

Athens is quaint and beautiful but continued push for economic development (which is desperately needed in what is the poorest county in the state) and expansion of the university have caused a strain between those representing the university community and those representing the "townies." Recently Ohio University has spent tens of millions of dollars on new projects including a new dorm, a research center for the College of Engineering and College of Osteopathic Medicine, and the largest project of all: the John Calhoun Baker University Center, a $65 million dollar student center that is the newest trophy on the university's figurative wall. In addition to the student center, the university has built a road (aptly named Bobcat Lane) for easy access from one of the city's main thoroughfares, Richland Avenue. The problem is that during the long construction of the student center a new administration has taken office at City Hall and refused to honor the agreement that the university had with the previous mayor for a connection to Richland Avenue.

Now Ohio University is stuck with their very own road to nowhere and the mayor won't budge. I personally think this has to be one of the most ridiculous situations to arise in university/city relations. A study was commissioned and found that not only is the connection of Bobcat Lane safe, but it may alleviate current congestion problems in the area. The university has tried to compromise by suggesting it be a right-turn-in/right-turn-out only road and for it to be opened on a six month trial basis, but the administration has refused to budge! My message to Mayor Wiehl: I know you want to assert the city's dominance in this matter, but stop acting like a 12 year old and work with the university a little! Mr. Mayor, cut down this curb!

Photos: Top, Baker University Center, north view; Bottom, Baker University Center, south view
Photo Sources: www.ohio.edu


  1. I work at Bird Arena and we all talk about how stupid this situation is. The stoplight at the bottom of Richland Ave and South Green Drive is the most congested place on campus, especially on the hour, and it's awful trying to get out of there. Having the 3 feet or so of Bobcat Ln paved would help alleviate this problem. The city just needs to suck it up and work this out.

  2. Yeah...I guess it's pretty dumb. They should put a traffic light there or something so that the crosswalks are safer and more official.
