Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mr. Mayor Cut Down This Curb! (Week 4)

This week I think I'll continue on the subject of Athens, Ohio. While last week I talked about the architectural beauty of this largely Georgian style community and university, this week I wanted to point out what I perceive as the largest negative aspect surrounding this community. It is an issue that undoubtedly surrounds many college towns and it is that of town and gown relations, or in many cases, lack thereof.

Athens is quaint and beautiful but continued push for economic development (which is desperately needed in what is the poorest county in the state) and expansion of the university have caused a strain between those representing the university community and those representing the "townies." Recently Ohio University has spent tens of millions of dollars on new projects including a new dorm, a research center for the College of Engineering and College of Osteopathic Medicine, and the largest project of all: the John Calhoun Baker University Center, a $65 million dollar student center that is the newest trophy on the university's figurative wall. In addition to the student center, the university has built a road (aptly named Bobcat Lane) for easy access from one of the city's main thoroughfares, Richland Avenue. The problem is that during the long construction of the student center a new administration has taken office at City Hall and refused to honor the agreement that the university had with the previous mayor for a connection to Richland Avenue.

Now Ohio University is stuck with their very own road to nowhere and the mayor won't budge. I personally think this has to be one of the most ridiculous situations to arise in university/city relations. A study was commissioned and found that not only is the connection of Bobcat Lane safe, but it may alleviate current congestion problems in the area. The university has tried to compromise by suggesting it be a right-turn-in/right-turn-out only road and for it to be opened on a six month trial basis, but the administration has refused to budge! My message to Mayor Wiehl: I know you want to assert the city's dominance in this matter, but stop acting like a 12 year old and work with the university a little! Mr. Mayor, cut down this curb!

Photos: Top, Baker University Center, north view; Bottom, Baker University Center, south view
Photo Sources: www.ohio.edu

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Athens, Ohio: Good Design (Week 3)

Attending Ohio University has its advantages for an inspiring urban planner, namely being in a place like Athens. Athens is a small city, listed by the 2000 Census as having around 20,000. This number is probably an underestimate as students are notorious for not getting counted in the census and Ohio University has 20,437 of them on the Athens campus. I would put Athens' population at closer to 30,000, but the population is not as important as its other key attributes.

Athens is an old town by Midwest standards, established in 1797; with Ohio University being established in 1804. The area known to locals and students as "uptown" is the oldest part of the city and exemplifies the traditional town setting. Some planners and researchers, myself included, view New Urbanism as a promising movement in urban design. For those non-planner readers out there, New Urbanism seeks to learn from older cities, such as Athens, to help mold traditional looking settlement patterns that promote walkability and mixed land use. The stores, bars, and restaurants on Court St. in Athens that have housing above them fit into this scheme perfectly, so do the bike lanes located in the uptown area. The ultimate goal is to be more eco-friendly, promote historic preservation, and reign in suburban sprawl to create a more livable community.

I had been thinking about something to talk about on my blog this week and realized this is something I wanted to share. I know that since this blog is an assignment for my English class that many of my readers (probably all) are Ohio University students and are not necessarily familiar with planning principles. I won't go into more detail about New Urbanism or traditional neighborhood design here because I could write a book explaining it (many people have actually), but I encourage you all to Google it or do a Wikipedia search on it. Many people who have the advantage of living in Athens don't realize what an architectural and historic jewel it really is. Looking around this town you can find many of the principles planners seek to employ in their quest for the better city. Now we just need a better transit system, but that is better left for another post! Photo Source: www.ohio.edu

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Banks

Cincinnati, Ohio has been working on an ambitious project for its riverfront for well over a decade now. With plans first introduced in the 1990's, The Banks project is finally moving forward and could see some real progress in 2010. I have been following this project for a long time, so I thought it would be nice to share it with my readers.

The Banks is a mixed-use project that will include office space, retail, and housing, and will be located between downtown and the Ohio River with each of Cincinnati's two new stadiums on either side. Also included in the plan is a 45-acre riverfront park. The project is being funded by a combination of local, state, federal, and private funds. Personally, I believe this project will prove to be one of the best things to happen to Cincinnati in a long time. While it hasn't fared as poorly as Cleveland on the other side of the state, Cincinnati's economy has suffered as of late; a problem that is typical for the Rustbelt cities as we continue to transition away from a manufacturing based economy.

The Banks will help to revitalize downtown, while featuring some great smart growth oriented aspects like a focus on mixed-use development, mixed-income housing, greenspace, and even a streetcar line and future light rail (though the light rail is a lofty goal that may never get met). Its surprising that in today's economy this project has gotten off the ground, but I'm glad it has. Check out more details from the Cincinnati Enquirer here: http://tinyurl.com/ycr49sl and let me know what you think! Photo Source: Cincinnati Enquirer

Monday, January 11, 2010

Welcome to my blog!

I want to use this first post as an introduction to my blog and to lay out what I want to do with this space from now on. I am currently working on a double major in Political Science and Geography (Urban Planning concentration), and I plan to attend graduate school starting next year for a master's degree in urban planning. Currently I am taking four courses: Urban Politics, American Domestic Policy, American Foreign Policy, and a professional writing course for which this blog is an assignment. I hope to take this blog beyond the requirements of my assignment though and continue updating it throughout the year and into my graduate school experience.

At least once a week I'll post something I deem interesting from one of my classes, or more likely an interesting current issue in urban planning. I have a keen interest in the policy aspect of planning and the interactions of various stakeholders in the process, hence my second major in Political Science. I am also very interested in comparative settlement patterns and urban life in other parts of the world, specifically Latin America as I have had the opportunity to study Spanish for two and a half years and spend a brief time in Nicaragua this past summer. I may comment on some issues related to these things here, but I won't limit myself to just those topics.

Again, I just wanted to introduce myself and lay out my intentions in this first post but in the future I promise my posts will be more interesting, especially to those in the planning field but also to citizen planners and those who may know nothing about planning at all. The wonderful thing about planning issues is that they affect us all on a day to day basis. Over 80% of Americans live in an urban area and even those who don't are affected by decisions made by planners, politicians, and policymakers in our nations cities. Check back often for commentary on many issues including smart growth and sustainability, public health, planning history, and urban renewal (for those who aren't planners, I promise these issues are more exciting than they sound).